About MakeRemotely.com
MakeRemotely.com is a Freelance Services Marketplace where you can publish your projects and, within minutes, receive proposals from qualified professionals who are available to start your work.
MakeRemotely.com launching stages
March, 2021
March, 2021
Founding of RPApp LLC and start of platform RPApp.io development 🙌
The RPApp.io platform was an initiative designed for services specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

February, 2023

February, 2023

Start freelancers and employer registration
After intense development work, we were able to launch the first phase of the project, which focused on the registration and customization of profiles for freelancers specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Employer registration was also enabled.
April, 2023
April, 2023
Start Beta version: publishing projects and hiring freelancers 🚀
Just 2 months later, we already had 400+ registered users on the platform. At that moment, we decided to release all functionalities so that clients could post projects and hire freelancers' services.
December 2023
December 2023
RPApp.io is now MakeRemotely.com
After many adjustments, updates, and new features, in addition to reaching 1300+ registered users, RPApp.io transitions from being a Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) freelance services to becoming a Marketplace for general remote services.
March 2024
March 2024
Launch of MakeRemotely.com 💫
Coming soon!
Get your business ready for AI & Automation
Top AI & Automation specialists
Unlock access to thousands of AI & Automation specialists across every technology. Ensure your business thrives in the new AI & Automate powered world.
Meet our founders
Our team of founders brought together their market experience and strategic visions to create MakeRemotely.com
  • Matias Leiva
    CO-Founder & CEO
    Expert in Digital Transformation
  • Marcela Marques
    CO-Founder & CFO
    Expert in Business Administration
  • Carlos Carvalho
    CO-Founder & CTO
    Expert in Software Development
About our vision and mission
We help develop young architecture companies and teams that innovate urban planning
Proporcionar mais liberdade na vida profissional das pessoas para que elas aproveitem mais sua vida pessoal através da flexibilidade, facilidade e motivação, sempre garantindo um ambiente seguro e boas entregas.
Ser uma comunidade eficiente e produtiva, onde freelancers e clientes tenham sempre como pilares a Transparência, confiança e resultados excepcionais.